Local Events

Byron Cr. Holiday Lights

From every Thanksgiving to Christmas in Byron Cr., almost every homeowner who lives there strings holiday lights EVERYWHERE. It is a fun drive through and cool to see every year.

FURL Used Book Sale

Twice a year, the Friends of the Urbana Regional Library, known as FURL, host a used book sale with used books. Usually occurs around April and September.

Usually the first Saturday of December, the Urbana High School students plan an event for children to enjoy.

Urbana Volunteer Fire and Rescue

The Annual Fireman's Carnival

3602 Urbana Pike

Frederick MD, 21704

The Annual Fireman's Carnival is usually in July! You can get on rides and win some toys! Its really fun.

9020 Amelung Street

Frederick, MD 21704

From May to October the library has a farmers' market where you can get all sorts of local foods and crafts.

Premier Farmers' Market of southern Frederick County.


Rain or Shine, Cloud or Clear, Urbana's traditional Trick-Or-Treating is ALWAYS on the 31 of October It starts at dusk and ends around 9 P.M. Sometimes there are fun little things you can see around the neighborhood.

11791 Fingerboard Rd

Monrovia, MD 21704